Monday, March 17, 2008

Monday Morning Tip - Time for Trimming

Before becoming a real estate "tycoon" and expert cookie baker, I owned a small interior and exterior landscaping company. Needless to say, when the sun shines more than the clouds cover and I start to see green, I get ready!

Last week I encouraged readers to clear the snow from their yards by spreading it out. Well a lot of snow has melted this last week so it's time to begin trimming!

Everyone has their own method, but I save most of my trimming for spring. In my flower gardens I do this so the plants left in place can provide some extra insulation over the winter months. I've seen some folks put straw over their flower gardens - maybe I just don't want to clean up straw! I would wait to trim your flower beds for another week as temperatures are still fluctuating. However, not is a great time to start trimming those shrubs. It is much easier to trim shrubs in the spring because there are no leaves and I can really get in there and see what I'm trimming. When trimming shrubs, look for suckers, those shoots coming directly from the roots. Also think about shape and trim accordingly. If you're looking for something whimsical, say in a forsythia, trim each branch separately, keeping branches in varying lengths. If you're trimming for a natural border, trim the terminal bud (the top part of the branch) so the shrub will be encouraged to bush out. Consult with your local nursery for specific plant trimming tips.

Now is also an excellent time to reseed your lawn. There is still a lot of moisture in the soil, minimizing watering requirements. Spring is the best time to see the "bald spots" in the lawn.

If you plan to list your home in April, by taking care of these things in March, your exterior will be ready for show!

I love flower gardening. If you're looking for someone to brainstorm design with, send me an e-mail, I also have some great referrals for landscaping materials, plants, and installation.

These last couple of weeks have all been geared towards getting your home ready to sell. If you plan to list this spring, it's also time to start interviewing Realtors. Please schedule your appointment today by phone (406) 585-5414 or by e-mail I look forward to meeting you.

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