Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Tuesday's at Dave's Sushi

Thank you faithful readers. I have yet to get to Dave's Sushi today, but I will be there shortly. Today is my friend Todd's birthday, so its off to Dave's!

Dave's Sushi offers a superior sushi experience in Bozeman. For those less familiar with sushi, I'll explain. Sushi is more than just raw fish. There are three basic way to eat sushi. There's the blob of rice with a slice of fish across the top or nigiri, a handroll which basically is seaweed loosely holding together a mixture of rice and goodies, and a roll which is tightly rolled seaweed with rice and goodies inside that is sliced into half inch pieces. Dave's made some additions to the menu for those less daring to throw a raw piece of maguro (tuna) in their mouths! Rice bowls were created. Having only had one rice bowl, I can't speak to all of the combinations, but the one I had was excellent. Additionally, the non-raw-fish-connoisseur can also enjoy the avocado/mango nigiri, edamame, and salad.

For dessert there's Elle's Belle's cookies...or if you're lucky chocolate pudding cake!

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